
Screens to Streams: The Evolution of Film Release Windows in Europe (Part Two)

Europe’s film sector has relied on territoriality and rigid release windows to maximize the economic potential of films. Part Two explores the EU’s capitulation to the major studios, the post-lockdown theatrical landscape, and public support rules to preserve traditional release windows.


From Blockbusters to Bust: Why the Film Industry is Fading Fast

The film industry is transforming with declining revenues, reducing film output, and a shift in consumer preferences. Major studios are consolidating and struggling, while television emerges as a dominant medium. Theaters face over-leveraging challenges. Streaming services haven’t compensated for theatrical declines.


The Struggle to Shine: Steering Through the Post-Theatrical Era

The independent market is at a crossroads. Traditional strategies are no longer effective, and the task of bringing audiences back to cinemas remains daunting. Insiders are actively pursuing solutions to these seemingly insurmountable challenges. Despite these obstacles, some believe the film industry is on the verge of recovery.


Streamers Gain More Ground

Many sales agents are now positioning as wholesalers and content placement agents for streaming platforms—particularly in Europe, where there are over 450 video streaming services.


The Current State of Film

Film distribution and production disruptions caused by government lockdowns have accelerated many changes that were well underway in the market for years. Large programming gaps for films are emerging for traditional television networks and OTT platforms to fill.


How Amazon Releases Films

Amazon Studios has relied on traditional distribution practices to foster greater collaboration with gatekeepers in Hollywood. However, after playing second fiddle to Netflix for the better part of a decade, Amazon is changing its theatrical strategy stateside.

Sony Pictures

Is Sony Pictures for Sale?

Mismanagement of Sony’s film unit over the years has propelled the studio into a downward spiral. Sony is under pressure by investors to sell the film unit.